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4 Essential Email Automations Every Membership Site Needs (Including Yours!)

4 Essential Email Automations Every Membership Site Needs (Including Yours!)

July 22, 20204 min read

With email marketing, statistics show that for every dollar spent on content and services, you’ll get around $38 back, which is a return of 3800%. Insane.

Email marketing is nothing new, but it’s just as powerful as ever before, and over 49% of customers want to hear from their favorite companies on a weekly basis.

That being said, writing emails is hard work, which is why email automation is so important, especially if you’re running a membership website. But what kind of automation should you be using?

Perhaps you’ve got some ideas but need more. Or maybe you’re missing out on some prime opportunities.

With this in mind, let’s check out the four essential email automation sequences your membership website needs to have.

1. Recovering Lost Membership Sales

Recovering Lost Membership Sales

Photo by Ellie Burgin from Pexels

If someone has made their way to the checkout page of your membership website and they are literally a handful of clicks away from signing up, it’s important to make sure you’re securing these sales.

For someone to come so far means they are interested in what you’re offering and may just need a little guidance to help complete their journey.

“Following up with a simple email can be enough, especially when you include information like what benefits they’ll enjoy once they sign up, and addressing any common concerns they may have, like saying you can cancel any time, or the price you’re offering is an urgent offer that’s running out soon,” says Tillie Rose, a tech writer at Paper fellows and Boomessays.

2. Welcoming New Onboarding Members

New Onboarding Members

Photo by Mabel Amber from Pexels

It’s so important to welcome new members on board to your membership website. There’s no better way to do this than onboarding automation.

Whether you’re just saying hello and welcoming people to what you’ve got to offer, or you’re sending a series of emails, giving attention to new members is essential when you want them to stick around.

You can include a ton of information here, like what is being expected, links for content for the user to get started, and answers to frequently asked questions, so they have the most seamless experience possible.

3. Automatically Reminding People of Subscription Renewals

Automatically Reminding People of Subscription Renewals

Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

When a membership runs out, your aim will be to get the customer back to renew again. A good renewal rate is anywhere over 80%. While some people may not want your services anymore, there are plenty of people out there who just need a little push in the right direction with signing up again. You just need to remind them.

Therefore, you need to get up automated emails that get back in touch with people who no longer have a membership with you.

“Even if you run a membership website that automatically renews their subscription, sending a reminder is important so they won’t be surprised by a large chunk of money coming out of their account and ultimately cancel, or they can make sure they have enough money in their account to make the payment,” explains Josie Harris, a business writer at Australian help and State of writing.

4. Harvesting Back Lapsing Members

Harvesting Back Lapsing Members

Photo by from Pexels

By lapsed members, I mean the members who have left your website for whatever reason. True, some people might not have had the experience or content they thought they would get, and that’s fine. It happens. However, some people may just be having short-term changes of minds, and they are, in fact, open to returning.

Perhaps you could offer them a deal in case their financial situation isn’t ideal, or you just want to remind them of what you’ve got to offer. So you’re not too pushy, you could schedule these emails for two or three months down the line so their present situation has changed and they may be more willing to come back.


As you can see, there are lots of approaches you can take to create an authentic membership experience with lots of recurring income. All you have to do is choose the right software and the right email marketing strategy to help you get there. Have any questions? Ask in the comments section below.

Molly Crockett is an innovative marketing writer for and, where she shares information on running online businesses and getting content in front of the right audiences. She also writes for

email automationmembership websiteonboardingsubscription renewalslapsed members
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Neil Napier

CEO of Kyvio

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